Photo of Dorian Florez Colombia

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DORIAN DE JESUS FLOREZ ZULETA DATE OF BIRTH: December 11, 1960 PLACE OF BIRTH: Caldas Antioquia EXHIBITIONS 1983 Exhibition of young artists Pays de Loire (France) 1984 University of Nantes-festival des arts (France) 1985 Mairie de Nantes Festival des trois continents (France) 1988 Salon de Fresnes (France) 1989 Gallery Pictures Pontoise France 1990 Museo de Poissy - collective (France) 1991 Paris Salon d'Automne...

Exhibitions carried out

  • 2013, 1983 Exposición de artistas jóvenes país de Loira (Francia) 1984 Universidad de Nantes-festival des arts (Francia) 1985 Mairie de Nantes-festival des trois continentes (Francia) 1988 Salón de Fresnes (Francia) 1989 Galería de Pontoise Francia-retratos 199

Awards received

  • 2013, Premios
  • 2013, DISTINCIONES 1999 Mención de honor Saluzzo arte Contemporáneo (Italia) 2000 Premio de la Critica di Saluzzo AMLETTO BERTONI (Italia) 2003 Medalla de plata FENALCO Antioquia (Pinceles por la paz) 2004 Medalla de oro Ciro Mendía Consejo municipal de Cal

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See everything we offer you!
74.80 x 51.18 in
31.50 x 39.37 in
25.59 x 31.50 in
29.53 x 23.62 in
39.37 x 27.56 in
19.69 x 11.81 in
27.56 x 39.37 in
59.06 x 47.24 in
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Photo of Dorian Florez Colombia

DORIAN DE JESUS FLOREZ ZULETA DATE OF BIRTH: December 11, 1960 PLACE OF BIRTH: Caldas Antioquia EXHIBITIONS 1983 Exhibition of young artists Pays de Loire (France) 1984 University of Nantes-festival des arts (France) 1985 Mairie de Nantes Festival des trois continents (France) 1988 Salon de Fresnes (France) 1989 Gallery Pictures Pontoise France 1990 Museo de Poissy - collective (France) 1991 Paris Salon d'Automne (France) 1992 Banque Societe Generale - collective Paris (France) 1994 Mostra Nationale d · Contemporary Art Cuneo (Italy) 1995 Mostra Mercato d'Arte Contemporánea Saluzzo (Italy) 1996 Mostra Mercato d'Arte contemporary Saluzzo (Italy) 2001 Mostra Mercato d'Arte contemporary Saluzzo (Italy) 2002 Art Gallery Autopista Medellín (Colombia) 2002 Gallery The France Medellín - collective (Colombia) 2002 Hotel Dann Carlton Medellín (Colombia) 2002 Municipality of Medellin - collective (Colombia) 2003 Casa de la Cultura de Sabaneta (Colombia) 2003 Palace of Culture Medellin (Colombia) AWARDS 1999 Honorable Mention Contemporary Art Saluzzo (Italy) 2000 Award Critics di Saluzzo (Italy) After high school he traveled to Europe where he lived for twenty years in France and Italy. There could be introduced in the study of classical painting, the use of chiaroscuro, Pictures, Surrealism, and especially developed his painting skills children Paternities Maternity.

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